Do You Mind? (2007)
A serie of performances with naked animal-machines.
The animals roam free and try to escape. A minder looks after them and gently guide them back to a central point.
This is the realm of denuded mechanics, a controlled chaos. These creatures are mechanical but at the same time vulnerable, they evoke strong feelings and bring care out of people, a state of ambivalence that effectively puts you out of your comfort zone. This is the realm of denuded mechanics, controlled chaos.
The piece is scalable and can be tailor-made to suit different spaces, occasions, and time slots. You can unleash all of the animals in a large space, divide them into smaller groups that perform in several different locations at the same time, or choose an appropriate number for any given purpose.
Performance view.
Performance view.
Performance view.
Performance view.
Performance view.
Performance view.