Another Nature (2018), installation view.
Another Nature
MOORE CONTEMPORARY Sydney, Australia 17.10.2018-10.11.2018
”In my work, I search for Another Nature. A nature that refuses to accept a difference between technological and natural forces, between human life and animal life, between mechanics and organics. I want to challenge nature, creating it anew. Not out of critique but because this kind of artistic experimentation is the only way another world is revealed.”
The solo show consisting of five photographic works and video work. Presented as part of Unhallowed Arts, initiated by SymbioticA, Perth.
Mamma & Pappa leker, (2013/2018) C- type print, acrylic, aluminium 54 x 64.5 cm Edition 4+Ap
Self Portrait with Pig, (2013/2018). C- type print, acrylic, aluminium. 146 x 107.2 cm Edition 3+Ap.
Skrotfågel, (2013/2018). C- type print, acrylic, aluminium. 54 x 64.5 cm Edition 4+Ap
MOORE CONTEMPORARY is pleased to participate in the Unhallowed Arts events in association with the SYMBIOTICA initiated and hosted conference Quite Frankly. Through a conference, exhibitions, and performances, Unhallowed Arts explores the legacy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein through a plurality of experiences.
Oron Catts is the Co-Founder and Director of SymbioticA: the Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and was a Professor of Contestable Design at the Royal College for the Arts UK. Together with Dr. Ionat Zurr, a researcher and lecturer at the School of Design UWA and SymbioticA’s academic co-ordinator, they formed the internationally renowned Tissue Culture & Art Project in 1996. Both are Visiting Professor at Biofilia – Based for Biological Arts, Aalto University Finland (2015-2020).