Currents // Strömmar
Group show at Upper Hand, Gothenburg 08.11.2019-01.12.2019
Works exhibited: Drawing #54 & Drawing #55, Drawing #101
I asked him once if the assemblage point had anything to do with the physical body.
"It has nothing to do with what we normally perceive as the body," he said. "It's part of the luminous egg, which is our energy self."
"How is it displaced?" I asked.
"Through energy currents. Jolts of energy, originating outside or inside our energy shape...
..."What do those currents feel like?"
"Like a mild discomfort, a vague sensation of sadness followed immediately by euphoria. Since neither the sadness nor the euphoria has an explainable cause, we never regard them as veritable onslaughts of the unknown but as unexplainable, 'ill founded moodiness."
"What happens when the assemblage point moves outside the energy shape? Does it hang outside? Or is it attached to the luminous ball?"
"It pushes the contours of the energy shape out, without breaking its energy boundaries."
- Excerpt from The Art of Dreaming (1993) by Carlos Castaneda
Drawing #54 & Drawing #55
Detail from Drawing #55
Drawing #101
Participating artists: Emille de Blanche, Rickard Eklund, Joel Hurlburt & Timo Menke,
Tove Kjellmark, Jonas Nobel, Nina Nowak & Camilla Reyman
Curated by: Rickard Eklund